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"_index": "Try #help command_name (leave off the # from command names) for command help.\r\n\r\n\"#help getting started\" has tips to get started.",
"act": "Use #act to set a trigger that will automatically run commands based on a match to the MUD's output. Example: #act {^The (.*) attacks you.} {\"Hey $1, you're going to wish you hadn't done that!\"}.\r\nUse #act by itself to list triggers. See #unact for info on how to remove triggers.",
"alias": "Use #alias to set a command alias.\r\nFor example, #alias {^hi} {#echo Hello} will make typing 'hi' run the echo command.\r\nUse #alias by itself to list aliases. See also: #unalias",
"connect_mud": "Use #connect_mud to connect to a MUD. Provide a name for the connection and the WebSocket server URL, e.g. #connect_mud ex wss://example.com/ws.",
"copy_paste": "Use Ctrl Insert to copy and Shift Insert to paste in most browsers.",
"create_script": "Use the '+' icon in the script browser to create a new script. You will need to name it first.",
"delay": "Use #delay to schedule a command to run after a specified time (in seconds).\r\nFor example, #delay 5 {#echo Ding!} will run the echo command after 5 seconds.\r\nOptionally give it a name with a third argument.\r\nUse #delay by itself to list delays.\r\nSee also: #undelay",
"deletelogs": "Use #deletelogs to permanently delete logs.\r\nExample: #deletelogs mylog 2024-10-01 2024-10-10\r\nThe first argument is the log name. Optionally, follow with a second and third argument to give the date range - or just one date to only specify the end of the date range.\r\nSee also: #downloadlogs",
"downloadlogs": "Use #downloadlogs to download logs within a date range. Example: #downloadlogs mylog 2024-10-01 2024-10-10.",
"editor": "Use #editor to open the script editor where you can manage Lua scripts.",
"getting started": "Use #help connect_mud to learn how to connect if you aren't already.\r\nSend basic commands to the current MUD just by typing them in. Use a number like #5 n to repeat a command. Use semicolons to send commands in sequence, e.g. n;#4 e\r\nCopy and paste using Ctrl+Insert and Shift+Insert",
"hsplit": "Use #hsplit to split the screen horizontally. For example, #hsplit {} 2 will create a horizontal split with frame 2.",
"include": "To run a script, use #include scriptname. Example: #include myscript.lua.",
"listlogs": "Use #listlogs to list stored logs and the number of entries for each logname.",
"log": "Use #log to start logging a MUD's output. Example: #log mymud mylog will start logging for the 'mymud' connection.",
"lua_scripting": "Scripts use Lua code. Use commands like 'commands.command(\"command to send\")' to execute MUD commands. For example, to set an alias, use 'commands.alias(\"^hi\", \"#echo Hello\")'.",
"panel_merge": "Use #panel_merge followed by the frame path to merge panels. For example, #panel_merge {} will merge the current panel with the top-level split.",
"send_multiple_commands": "To send several commands in quick succession, separate them with a semicolon. For example, use 'n;e' to go north and then east.",
"tick": "Use #tick to set a recurring command to run at a specified time interval (in seconds).\r\nFor example, #tick 60 {#echo Cockadoodledoo!} will repeat every 60 seconds.\r\nOptionally give it a name with a third argument.\r\nUse #tick by itself to list active ticks.\r\nSee also: #untick",
"unact": "Use #unact followed by the trigger pattern to delete a trigger. Example: #unact {^The (.*) attacks you.}.",
"unalias": "Use #unalias followed by the alias pattern to delete it. For example, #unalias {^hi}.",
"undelay": "Use #undelay followed by the delay name to cancel it. Example: #undelay ding to cancel a delay named 'ding'.",
"untick": "Use #untick followed by the tick name to cancel it. Example: #untick rooster to cancel a tick named 'rooster'.",
"vsplit": "Use #vsplit to split the screen vertically. For example, #vsplit {} 2 will create a vertical split with frame 2."