minicrossterm/examples/Crossterm 0.3.0/color/

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//! Examples of coloring the terminal.
extern crate crossterm;
use self::crossterm::style::Color;
use self::crossterm::terminal;
use self::crossterm::Context;
/// print some red font | demonstration.
pub fn paint_foreground() {
let context = Context::new();
let terminal = terminal::terminal(context.clone());
// Pass an string to the `paint()` method with you want to paint.
// This will give you an object back wits can be styled and displayed.
let mut styledobject = terminal.paint("Red font");
// Call the method `with()` on the object given by `paint()` and pass in any Color from the Color enum.
styledobject = styledobject.with(Color::Red);
// Print the object to the console and see the result.
println!("{}", styledobject);
// Crossterm provides method chaining so that the above points can be inlined.
println!("{}", terminal.paint("Red font").with(Color::Red));
/// print some font on red background | demonstration.
pub fn paint_background() {
let context = Context::new();
let terminal = terminal::terminal(context.clone());
// Pass an string to the `paint()` method with you want to paint.
// This will give you an object back wits can be styled and displayed.
let mut styledobject = terminal.paint("Red background color");
// Call the method `on()` on the object given by `paint()` and pass in an Color from the Color enum.
styledobject = styledobject.on(Color::Red);
// Print the object to the console and check see the result
println!("{}", styledobject);
// Crossterm provides method chaining so that the above points can be inlined.
println!("{}", terminal.paint("Red background color").on(Color::Red));
/// print font with fore- background color | demonstration.
pub fn paint_foreground_and_background() {
let context = Context::new();
let terminal = terminal::terminal(context.clone());
// Pass an string to the `paint()` method with you want to paint.
// This will give you an object back wits can be styled and displayed.
let mut styledobject = terminal.paint("Red font on blue background color");
/* Foreground color:
Call the method `with()` on the object given by `paint()`
Pass in an Color from the Color enum.
styledobject = styledobject.with(Color::Red);
/* Background color:
Call the method `on()` on the object given by `paint()`
Pass in an Color from the Color enum.
styledobject = styledobject.on(Color::Blue);
// Print the object to the console and see the result.
println!("{}", styledobject);
// Crossterm provides method chaining so that the above points can be inlined.
.paint("Red font on blue background color")
/// Print all available foreground colors | demonstration.
pub fn print_all_foreground_colors() {
let context = Context::new();
let terminal = terminal::terminal(context.clone());
println!("Black : \t {}", terminal.paint("").with(Color::Black));
println!("Red : \t\t {}", terminal.paint("").with(Color::Red));
"Dark Red: \t {}",
println!("Green : \t {}", terminal.paint("").with(Color::Green));
"Dark Green : \t {}",
println!("Yellow : \t {}", terminal.paint("").with(Color::Yellow));
"Dark Yellow : \t {}",
println!("Blue : \t\t {}", terminal.paint("").with(Color::Blue));
"Dark Blue : \t {}",
"Magenta : \t {}",
"Dark Magenta : \t {}",
println!("Cyan : \t\t {}", terminal.paint("").with(Color::Cyan));
"Dark Cyan : \t {}",
println!("Grey : \t\t {}", terminal.paint("").with(Color::Grey));
println!("White : \t {}", terminal.paint("").with(Color::White));
/// Print all available foreground colors | demonstration.
pub fn print_all_background_colors() {
let context = Context::new();
let terminal = terminal::terminal(context.clone());
println!("Black : \t {}", terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::Black));
println!("Red : \t\t {}", terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::Red));
println!("Dark Red: \t {}", terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::DarkRed));
println!("Green : \t {}", terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::Green));
"Dark Green : \t {}",
terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::DarkGreen)
println!("Yellow : \t {}", terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::Yellow));
"Dark Yellow : \t {}",
terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::DarkYellow)
println!("Blue : \t\t {}", terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::Blue));
"Dark Blue : \t {}",
terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::DarkBlue)
println!("Magenta : \t {}", terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::Magenta));
"Dark Magenta : \t {}",
terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::DarkMagenta)
println!("Cyan : \t\t {}", terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::Cyan));
"Dark Cyan : \t {}",
terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::DarkCyan)
println!("Grey : \t\t {}", terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::Grey));
println!("White : \t {}", terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::White));
"RGB (10,10,10): \t {}",
terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::Rgb {
r: 10,
g: 10,
b: 10
"RGB (10,10,10): \t {}",
terminal.paint(" ").on(Color::AnsiValue(50))
/// Print font with all available attributes. Note that this can only be used at unix systems and that some are not supported widely | demonstration..
pub fn print_font_with_attributes() {
let context = Context::new();
let terminal = terminal::terminal(context.clone());
println!("{}", terminal.paint("Normal text"));
println!("{}", terminal.paint("Bold text").bold());
println!("{}", terminal.paint("Italic text").italic());
println!("{}", terminal.paint("Slow blinking text").slow_blink());
println!("{}", terminal.paint("Rapid blinking text").rapid_blink());
println!("{}", terminal.paint("Hidden text").hidden());
println!("{}", terminal.paint("Underlined text").underlined());
println!("{}", terminal.paint("Reversed color").reverse());
println!("{}", terminal.paint("Dim text color").dim());
println!("{}", terminal.paint("Crossed out font").crossed_out());
/// Print all supported rgb colors | demonstration.
pub fn print_supported_colors() {
let context = Context::new();
let terminal = terminal::terminal(context.clone());
let count = crossterm::style::color(context.clone())
for i in 0..count {
.paint(format!("Color: {}", i))
.with(Color::AnsiValue(i as u8))