minicrossterm/examples/Crossterm 0.3.1/terminal/
2018-07-31 22:53:08 +02:00

55 lines
1.6 KiB

extern crate crossterm;
use crossterm::Crossterm;
use crossterm::terminal::{self, ClearType};
use std::io::{stdout, Write};
use std::{thread, time};
// raw screen is not working correctly currently
fn print_wait_screen(crossterm: &mut Crossterm) {
let terminal = crossterm.terminal();
let mut cursor = crossterm.cursor();
cursor.goto(0, 0).print("Welcome to the wait screen.");
.goto(0, 1)
.print("Please wait a few seconds until we arrive back at the main screen.");
cursor.goto(0, 2).print("Progress: ");
// print some progress example.
for i in 1..5 {
// print the current counter at the line of `Seconds to Go: {counter}`
.goto(10, 2)
.print(format!("{} of the 5 items processed", i));
// 1 second delay
pub fn print_wait_screen_on_alternate_window() {
let mut term = Crossterm::new();
// create scope. If this scope ends the screen will be switched back to mainscreen.
// because `AlternateScreen` switches back to main screen when going out of scope.
// create new alternate screen instance this call is also switching the screen to alternate screen.
// then convert the output of the program to raw mode.
// then print the wait screen on the alternate screen in raw mode.
// Print the wait screen.
print_wait_screen(&mut term);
println!("Whe are back at the main screen");