# Crossterm Style | cross-platform styling. ![Lines of Code][s7] [![Latest Version][s1]][l1] [![MIT][s2]][l2] [![docs][s3]][l3] ![Lines of Code][s6] [s1]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/crossterm_style.svg [l1]: https://crates.io/crates/crossterm_style [s2]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg [l2]: ./LICENSE [s3]: https://docs.rs/crossterm_style/badge.svg [l3]: https://docs.rs/crossterm_style/ [s3]: https://docs.rs/crossterm_style/badge.svg [l3]: https://docs.rs/crossterm_style/ [s6]: https://tokei.rs/b1/github/TimonPost/crossterm_style?category=code [s7]: https://travis-ci.org/TimonPost/crossterm_style.svg?branch=master This crate allows you to style te terminal cross-platform. It supports all UNIX and windows terminals down to windows 7 (not all terminals are tested see [Tested Terminals](#tested-terminals) for more info) This crate is a sub-crate of [crossterm](https://crates.io/crates/crossterm) to style te terminal, and can be use individually. Other sub-crates are: - [Crossterm Input](https://crates.io/crates/crossterm_input) - [Crossterm Terminal](https://crates.io/crates/crossterm_terminal) - [Crossterm Screen](https://crates.io/crates/crossterm_screen) - [Crossterm Cursor](https://crates.io/crates/crossterm_cursor) When you want to use other modules as well you might want to use crossterm with [feature flags](https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.30.0/book/first-edition/conditional-compilation.html) ## Table of contents: - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [Useful links](#useful-links) - [Features](#features) - [Examples](#examples) - [Tested Terminals](#tested-terminals) - [Notice](#notice) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Authors](#authors) - [License](#license) ## Getting Started This documentation is only for `crossterm_style` version `0.1` if you have an older version I suggest you check the [Upgrade Manual](https://github.com/TimonPost/crossterm/blob/master/docs/UpgradeManual.md). Also, check out the [examples](https://github.com/TimonPost/crossterm/tree/master/examples) folders with detailed examples for all functionality of this crate. Add the `crossterm_style` package to your `Cargo.toml` file. ``` [dependencies] `crossterm_style` = "0.1" ``` And import the `crossterm_style` modules you want to use. ```rust extern crate crossterm_style; pub use crossterm_style::{color, style, Attribute, Color, ColorType, ObjectStyle, StyledObject, TerminalColor}; ``` ### Useful Links - [Documentation](https://docs.rs/crossterm_input/) - [Crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/crossterm_input) - [Book](http://atcentra.com/crossterm/styling.html) - [Examples](/examples) ## Features These are the features of this crate: - Cross-platform - Everything is multithreaded (Send, Sync) - Detailed documentation on every item - Very few dependenties. - Styled output - Foreground color (16 base colors) - Background color (16 base colors) - 256 color support (Windows 10 and UNIX only) - RGB support (Windows 10 and UNIX only) - Text Attributes like: bold, italic, underscore and crossed word ect (Windows 10 and UNIX only) Planned features: - Easier usage; e.g. `println!("{}Bold{}Blue", Attribute::Bold, Color::Blue)` ## Examples Check out the [examples](/examples/) for more information about how to use this crate. ```rust use crossterm::style::{Color, style}; // store objcets so it could be painted later to the screen. let style1 = style("Some Blue font on Black background").with(Color::Blue).on(Color::Black); let style2 = style("Some Red font on Yellow background").with(Color::Red).on(Color::Yellow); // syling font with (Windows 10 and UNIX systems) let normal = style("Normal text"); let bold = style("Bold text").bold(); let italic = style("Italic text").italic(); let slow_blink = style("Slow blinking text").slow_blink(); let rapid_blink = style("Rapid blinking text").rapid_blink(); let hidden = style("Hidden text").hidden(); let underlined = style("Underlined text").underlined(); let reversed = style("Reversed text").reverse(); let dimmed = style("Dim text").dim(); let crossed_out = style("Crossed out font").crossed_out(); // paint styled text to screen (this could also be called inline) println!("{}", style1); println!("{}", style2); println!("{}", bold); println!("{}", hidden); ... // cursom rgb value (Windows 10 and UNIX systems) style("RGB color (10,10,10) ").with(Color::Rgb { r: 10, g: 10, b: 10 })); // custom ansi color value (Windows 10 and UNIX systems) style("ANSI color value (50) ").with(Color::AnsiValue(50)); ``` ## Tested terminals - Windows Powershell - Windows 10 (pro) - Windows CMD - Windows 10 (pro) - Windows 8.1 (N) - Ubuntu Desktop Terminal - Ubuntu 17.10 - (Arch, Manjaro) KDE Konsole - Linux Mint This crate supports all Unix terminals and windows terminals down to Windows 7 but not all of them have been tested. If you have used this library for a terminal other than the above list without issues feel free to add it to the above list, I really would appreciate it. ## Notice This library is average stable now, I don't expect it to not to change that much. If there are any changes that will affect previous versions I will [describe](https://github.com/TimonPost/crossterm/blob/master/docs/UpgradeManual.md) what to change to upgrade. ## Contributing I highly appreciate it when you are contributing to this crate. Also Since my native language is not English my grammar and sentence order will not be perfect. So improving this by correcting these mistakes will help both me and the reader of the docs. ## Authors * **Timon Post** - *Project Owner & creator* ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](https://github.com/TimonPost/crossterm/blob/master/LICENSE) file for details