use winapi::ctypes::c_void; use winapi::shared::ntdef::NULL; use winapi::um::consoleapi::WriteConsoleW; use winapi::um::wincon::{ self, FillConsoleOutputAttribute, FillConsoleOutputCharacterA, WriteConsoleOutputA, CHAR_INFO, COORD, PSMALL_RECT, }; use winapi::um::winnt::HANDLE; use super::{csbi, handle, kernel}; use {Context, ScreenManager}; use std::io::{self, ErrorKind, Result}; use std::rc::Rc; use std::str; use std::sync::Mutex; /// Fill a certain block with characters. pub fn fill_console_output_character( cells_written: &mut u32, start_location: COORD, cells_to_write: u32, screen_manager: &Rc>, ) -> bool { let handle = handle::get_current_handle(screen_manager).unwrap(); unsafe { // fill the cells in console with blanks let success = FillConsoleOutputCharacterA( handle, ' ' as i8, cells_to_write, start_location, cells_written, ); kernel::is_true(success) } } /// Set console ouput attribute for certain block. pub fn fill_console_output_attribute( cells_written: &mut u32, start_location: COORD, cells_to_write: u32, screen_manager: &Rc>, ) -> bool { // Get the position of the current console window let (csbi, mut handle) = csbi::get_csbi_and_handle(screen_manager).unwrap(); let success; unsafe { success = FillConsoleOutputAttribute( handle, csbi.wAttributes, cells_to_write, start_location, cells_written, ); } kernel::is_true(success) } /// Write console output. pub fn write_console_output( write_buffer: &HANDLE, copy_buffer: &mut [CHAR_INFO; 160], buffer_size: COORD, buffer_coord: COORD, source_buffer: PSMALL_RECT, ) -> Result<()> { unsafe { if !kernel::is_true( WriteConsoleOutputA( *write_buffer, // screen buffer to write to copy_buffer.as_mut_ptr(), // buffer to copy into buffer_size, // col-row size of chiBuffer buffer_coord, // top left dest. cell in chiBuffer source_buffer, ), // screen buffer source rectangle ) { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Could not write to terminal", )); } } Ok(()) } /// Write utf8 buffer to console. pub fn write_char_buffer(handle: &HANDLE, buf: &[u8]) -> ::std::io::Result { // get string from u8[] and parse it to an c_str let mut utf8 = match str::from_utf8(buf) { Ok(string) => string, Err(_) => { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Could not parse input to utf8 string.", )) } }; let utf16: Vec = utf8.encode_utf16().collect(); let utf16_ptr: *const c_void = utf16.as_ptr() as *const _ as *const c_void; // get buffer info let csbi = csbi::get_csbi_by_handle(handle)?; // get current position let current_pos = COORD { X: csbi.dwCursorPosition.X, Y: csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y, }; let mut cells_written: u32 = 0; let mut success = false; // write to console unsafe { success = kernel::is_true(WriteConsoleW( *handle, utf16_ptr, utf16.len() as u32, &mut cells_written, NULL, )); } match success { // think this is wrong could be done better! true => Ok(utf8.as_bytes().len()), false => Ok(0), } }