use std::{thread, time}; use crossterm::{style, AlternateScreen, ClearType, Color, Crossterm, Result}; fn print_wait_screen() -> Result<()> { let crossterm = Crossterm::new(); let terminal = crossterm.terminal(); let cursor = crossterm.cursor(); terminal.clear(ClearType::All)?; cursor.goto(0, 0)?; cursor.hide()?; terminal.write( "Welcome to the wait screen.\n\ Please wait a few seconds until we arrive back at the main screen.\n\ Progress: ", )?; // print some progress example. for i in 1..5 { // print the current counter at the line of `Seconds to Go: {counter}` cursor.goto(10, 2)?; println!( "{}", style(format!("{} of the 5 items processed", i)) .with(Color::Red) .on(Color::Blue) ); // 1 second delay thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_secs(1)); } Ok(()) } /// print wait screen on alternate screen, then switch back. fn print_wait_screen_on_alternate_window() -> Result<()> { let _alt = AlternateScreen::to_alternate(false)?; print_wait_screen() } // cargo run --example alternate_screen fn main() -> Result<()> { print_wait_screen_on_alternate_window() }