Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
T 2018-01-03 14:43:54 +01:00
parent 7162a4909c
commit 638517981a
43 changed files with 1734 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

.idea/crossterm.iml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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.idea/misc.xml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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.idea/modules.xml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="ProjectModuleManager">
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/crossterm.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/crossterm.iml" />

.idea/vcs.xml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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.idea/workspace.xml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
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.vs/ProjectSettings.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"CurrentProjectSetting": null

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"ExpandedNodes": [
"PreviewInSolutionExplorer": false

.vs/crossterm/v15/.suo Normal file

Binary file not shown.

.vs/slnx.sqlite Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Cargo.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
name = "crossterm"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["T <>"]
[target.'cfg(target_os = "windows")'.dependencies]
winapi = "0.2.8"
kernel32-sys = "0.2.1"

examples/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
extern crate crossterm;
use self::crossterm::terminal_style::{paint,Color};
use self::crossterm::terminal_cursor::cursor;
use std::io::Write;
fn main()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
extern crate crossterm;
use self::crossterm::cursor;
pub fn goto(x: i16, y: i16)

src/kernel/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
pub mod windows_kernel;
pub mod linux_kernel;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
extern crate kernel32;
extern crate winapi;
use self::winapi::HANDLE;
use super::handle;
/// Enables ansi for windows terminals.
pub fn enable_ansi_support() -> Result<(), u64>
const ENABLE_ANSI_CODES: u32 = 7;
let std_out_handle = handle::get_output_handle();
match std_out_handle
Some(handle) => { set_console_mode(handle, ENABLE_ANSI_CODES); Ok(()) },
None => return Err(0)
/// Set the console mode of the windows terminal.
fn set_console_mode(handle: HANDLE, enable_ansi_code: u32)
kernel32::SetConsoleMode(handle, enable_ansi_code);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
extern crate winapi;
extern crate kernel32;
use super::handle;
use super::kernel;
use terminal_style as style;
/// This will set the forground color by the given winapi color value parsed to u16.
pub fn set_fg_color(fg_color: u16)
if let Some(buffer_info) = kernel::get_console_screen_buffer_info()
// Notice that the color values are stored in wAttribute.
// So wee need to use bitwise operators to check if the values exists or to get current console colors.
let mut color: u16;
let attrs = buffer_info.wAttributes;
let bg_color = attrs & 0x0070;
color = fg_color | bg_color;
// background intensity is a seperate value in attrs,
// wee need to check if this was applied to the current bg color.
if (attrs & winapi::BACKGROUND_INTENSITY as u16) != 0
color = color | winapi::BACKGROUND_INTENSITY as u16;
/// This will set the forground color by the given winapi color value parsed to u16.
pub fn set_bg_color(bg_color: u16)
if let Some(buffer_info) = kernel::get_console_screen_buffer_info()
// Notice that the color values are stored in wAttribute.
// So wee need to use bitwise operators to check if the values exists or to get current console colors.
let mut color: u16;
let attrs = buffer_info.wAttributes;
let fg_color = attrs & 0x0007;
color = fg_color | bg_color;
// foreground intensity is a seperate value in attrs,
// wee need to check if this was applied to the current fg color.
if (attrs & winapi::FOREGROUND_INTENSITY as u16) != 0
color = color | winapi::FOREGROUND_INTENSITY as u16;
/// This will reset the colors to the value given in u16.
pub fn reset(original_color: u16)
/// This will get the winapi color value from the Color struct
pub fn winapi_color_val(color: style::Color, color_type: style::ColorType) -> u16
use terminal_style::{ColorType, Color};
let winapi_color: u32;
let fg_green = winapi::FOREGROUND_GREEN;
let fg_red = winapi::FOREGROUND_RED;
let fg_blue = winapi::FOREGROUND_BLUE;
let fg_intensity = winapi::FOREGROUND_INTENSITY;
let bg_green = winapi::BACKGROUND_GREEN;
let bg_red = winapi::BACKGROUND_RED;
let bg_blue = winapi::BACKGROUND_BLUE;
let bg_intensity = winapi::BACKGROUND_INTENSITY;
match color_type
ColorType::Foreground =>
winapi_color = match color
Color::Black => 0,
Color::Red => fg_intensity | fg_red,
Color::DarkRed => fg_red,
Color::Green => fg_intensity | fg_green,
Color::DarkGreen => fg_green,
Color::Yellow => fg_intensity | fg_green | fg_red,
Color::DarkYellow => fg_green | fg_red,
Color::Blue => fg_intensity | fg_blue,
Color::DarkBlue => fg_blue,
Color::Magenta => fg_intensity | fg_red | fg_blue,
Color::DarkMagenta => fg_red | fg_blue,
Color::Cyan => fg_intensity | fg_green | fg_blue,
Color::DarkCyan => fg_green | fg_blue,
Color::Grey => fg_intensity,
Color::White => fg_intensity | fg_red | fg_green | fg_blue,
ColorType::Background =>
winapi_color = match color
Color::Black => 0,
Color::Red => bg_intensity | bg_red,
Color::DarkRed => bg_red,
Color::Green => bg_intensity | bg_green,
Color::DarkGreen => bg_green,
Color::Yellow => bg_intensity | bg_green | bg_red,
Color::DarkYellow => bg_green | bg_red,
Color::Blue => bg_intensity | bg_blue,
Color::DarkBlue => bg_blue,
Color::Magenta => bg_intensity | bg_red | bg_blue,
Color::DarkMagenta => bg_red | bg_blue,
Color::Cyan => bg_intensity | bg_green | bg_blue,
Color::DarkCyan => bg_green | bg_blue,
Color::Grey => bg_intensity,
Color::White => bg_intensity | bg_red | bg_green | bg_blue,
winapi_color as u16
/// This will set the console attributes by the given value
fn set_console_text_attribute(value: u16)
let output_handle = handle::get_output_handle();
if let Some(handle) = output_handle
kernel32::SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, value);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
extern crate winapi;
extern crate kernel32;
use self::winapi::{COORD};
use super::{handle,kernel};
/// These are the movement directions of an cursor
pub enum CursorDirection
/// Set the cursor position to an coordinate (x,y).
pub fn set(x: u16, y:u16)
set_cursor_pos(x as i16,y as i16);
/// Get the current cursor x position.
pub fn xpos() -> u16
if let Some(csbi) = kernel::get_console_screen_buffer_info()
csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y as u16
println!("xpos verkeerd");
/// Get the current cursor y position.
pub fn ypos() -> u16
if let Some(csbi) = kernel::get_console_screen_buffer_info()
csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y as u16
println!("ypos verkeerd");
pub fn move_down(count: u16)
if let Some(buffer) = kernel::get_console_screen_buffer_info()
let handle = kernel32::GetStdHandle(winapi::STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
kernel32::SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, COORD {
X: buffer.dwCursorPosition.X,
Y: buffer.dwCursorPosition.Y + count as i16,
// pub fn move_direction(count: i16, cursor_direction: CursorDirection)
// {
// println!("{}, {}, {:?}",x,y, cursor_direction);
// match cursor_direction
// {
// CursorDirection::Top => set_cursor_pos(x,y - count) ,
// CursorDirection::Right => set_cursor_pos(x + count, y) ,
// CursorDirection::Down => set_cursor_pos(x, y + count),
// CursorDirection::Left => set_cursor_pos(x - count,y),
// };
// }else{
// println!("{}", "Not found");
// }
// }
/// Set the cursor position to an coordinate (x,y).
fn set_cursor_pos(x: i16, y: i16)
if let Some(handle) = handle::get_output_handle()
let position = COORD{X: x, Y:y};
kernel32::SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, position);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
extern crate winapi;
extern crate kernel32;
use std::os::windows::io::{AsRawHandle, RawHandle};
use std::mem;
static mut CONSOLE_INPUT_HANDLE:Option<HANDLE> = None;
static mut CONSOLE_OUTPUT_HANDLE:Option<HANDLE> = None;
/// Get the std_output_handle of the console
pub fn get_output_handle() -> Option<HANDLE>
// if let Some(handle) = CONSOLE_OUTPUT_HANDLE
// {
// match handle_check(&handle)
// {
// true => {
// CONSOLE_OUTPUT_HANDLE = Some(handle);
// },
// false => None
// }
// } else {
let handle = kernel32::GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
match handle_check(&handle)
true => {
// CONSOLE_OUTPUT_HANDLE = Some(handle);
false => None
// }
/// Get the std_input_handle of the console
pub fn get_input_handle() -> Option<HANDLE>
if let Some(handle) = CONSOLE_INPUT_HANDLE
match handle_check(&handle)
true => {
false => None
let handle = kernel32::GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
match handle_check(&handle)
true => {
false => None
pub fn as_raw_handle() -> Option<(HANDLE, winapi::CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO)>
let hand = kernel32::GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) as RawHandle;
let mut csbi: winapi::CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO = mem::zeroed() ;
match kernel32::GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hand, &mut csbi)
0 => None,
_ => Some((hand, csbi)),
/// Checks if the console handle is an invalid handle value.
fn handle_check(handle: &HANDLE) -> bool
if *handle == winapi::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
extern crate winapi;
extern crate kernel32;
use super::handle;
use std::mem;
/// Get console screen buffer info.
pub fn get_console_screen_buffer_info() -> Option<CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO>
let handle = handle::get_output_handle();
let mut csbi: CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
if let Some(x) = handle
match kernel32::GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(x, &mut csbi)
0 => None,
_ => Some(csbi),
else {
/// Get the current console colors.
pub fn get_original_console_color() -> u16
let console_buffer_info = get_console_screen_buffer_info();
if let Some(buffer_info) = console_buffer_info
buffer_info.wAttributes as u16

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
pub mod cursor;
pub mod color;
pub mod ansi_support;
pub mod handle;
pub mod kernel;

src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
pub mod shared;
pub mod terminal_cursor;
pub mod terminal_style;
mod kernel;
pub use shared::traits::Construct;
pub use terminal_cursor::cursor;
pub use terminal_style::paint;

src/shared/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
use std;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::Write;
use terminal_style as style;
/// This is used to make StyledObject able to be displayed.
/// This macro will set the styled stored in Styled Object
macro_rules! impl_fmt
($name:ident) => {
impl<D: fmt::$name> fmt::$name for style::StyledObject<D> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result
let mut colored_terminal = style::colored_terminal();
let mut reset = true;
if let Some(bg) = self.object_style.bg_color
reset = true;
if let Some(fg) = self.object_style.fg_color
reset = true;
write!(f, "{}", &self.content);
std::io::stdout().flush().expect("Flush stdout failed");
if reset
/// This macro will take an ANSI input and combines it with some default ANSI characters and returns the result
macro_rules! csi {
($( $l:expr ),*) => { concat!("\x1B[", $( $l ),*) };
/// This inplements Display for StyledObject
/// Notice that more implementations can be maked.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// example impl_fmt!(Debug);
/// ```

src/shared/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
pub mod macros;
pub mod traits;

src/shared/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
/// This trait is used for creating an instance of an concrete implementation from an base trait.
/// This trait allows the output to be different in size.
pub trait Construct
fn new() -> Box<Self> where Self: Sized;

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
use Construct;
use super::base_cursor::ITerminalCursor;
/// This struct will be used for ansi terminals and unix systems.
pub struct AnsiCursor;
impl Construct for AnsiCursor
fn new() -> Box<AnsiCursor>
Box::from(AnsiCursor {})
impl ITerminalCursor for AnsiCursor
fn goto(&self, x: i16 , y: i16)
format!(csi!("{};{}H"), x,y);
fn move_up(&self,count: u16)
format!(csi!("{}A"), count);
fn move_right(&self, count: u16)
format!(csi!("{}C"), count);
fn move_down(&self, count: u16)
format!(csi!("{}B"), count);
fn move_left(&self, count: u16)
format!(csi!("{}D"), count);

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/// This trait defines the actions that can be preformed on the termial cursor.
/// This trait can be inplemented so that an concrete inplementation of the ITerminalCursor can forfill
/// the wishes to work on an specific platform.
/// ## For example:
/// This trait is inplemented for winapi (Windows specific) and ansi (Unix specific),
/// so that the cursor related actions can be preformed on both unix and windows systems.
pub trait ITerminalCursor
/// Goto some location (x,y) in the terminal.
fn goto(&self, x: i16, y: i16);
fn move_up(&self, count: u16);
fn move_right(&self, count: u16);
fn move_down(&self, count: u16);
fn move_left(&self, count: u16);

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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
use std::fmt::Display;
use std;
use std::io::Write;
use Construct;
use super::base_cursor::ITerminalCursor;
use super::{AnsiCursor, WinApiCursor, NoCursor};
/// Struct with the cursor on wits cursor realated actions can be performed.
pub struct TerminalCursor
terminal_cursor: Option<Box<ITerminalCursor>>,
impl TerminalCursor
/// Instantiate an cursor implementation whereon cursor related actions can be performed.
pub fn init(&mut self)
if let None = self.terminal_cursor
self.terminal_cursor = get_cursor_options();
/// Goto some location (x,y) in the terminal.
/// #Example
/// ```rust
/// extern crate crossterm;
/// use self::crossterm::terminal_cursor::{cursor,TerminalCursor};
/// fn main()
/// {
/// cursor::get().goto(10,10);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn goto(mut self, x: i16 , y: i16) -> TerminalCursor
if let Some(ref terminal_cursor) = self.terminal_cursor
/// Print an value at the current cursor location.
/// #Example
/// ```rust
/// extern crate crossterm;
/// use self::crossterm::terminal_cursor::{cursor,TerminalCursor};
/// fn main()
/// {
/// // of course we can just do this.
/// print!("@").
/// // but now we can chain the methods so it looks cleaner.
/// cursor::get()
/// .goto(10,10)
/// .print("@");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn move_up(mut self, count: u16) -> TerminalCursor
if let Some(ref terminal_cursor) = self.terminal_cursor
pub fn move_right(mut self, count: u16) -> TerminalCursor
if let Some(ref terminal_cursor) = self.terminal_cursor
pub fn move_down(mut self, count: u16) -> TerminalCursor
if let Some(ref terminal_cursor) = self.terminal_cursor
pub fn move_left(mut self, count: u16) -> TerminalCursor
if let Some(ref terminal_cursor) = self.terminal_cursor
pub fn print<D: Display>(self, value:D) -> TerminalCursor
print!("{}", value);
/// Get the concrete ITerminalCursor implementation based on the current operating system.
fn get_cursor_options() -> Option<Box<ITerminalCursor>>
if cfg!(target_os = "linux") {
else if cfg!(target_os = "windows") {
/// Get terminal cursor options whereon cursor related actions can be performed.
pub fn get() -> Box<TerminalCursor>
Box::from(TerminalCursor { terminal_cursor: get_cursor_options() })

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
mod base_cursor;
mod no_cursor;
mod ansi_cursor;
mod winapi_cursor;
pub mod cursor;
use self::no_cursor::NoCursor;
use self::ansi_cursor::AnsiCursor;
use self::winapi_cursor::WinApiCursor;
pub use cursor::{get, TerminalCursor};

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
use Construct;
use super::base_cursor::ITerminalCursor;
/// Struct that will be instantiated when something went wrong or when an platform does not suport
/// the current concrete cursor inplementations.
pub struct NoCursor;
impl Construct for NoCursor
fn new() -> Box<NoCursor> {
Box::new(NoCursor {})
impl ITerminalCursor for NoCursor
fn goto(&self, x: i16 , y: i16)
{ }
fn move_up(&self, count: u16)
{ }
fn move_right(&self, count: u16)
{ }
fn move_down(&self, count: u16)
{ }
fn move_left(&self, count: u16)
{ }

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
use Construct;
use kernel::windows_kernel::cursor;
use super::base_cursor::ITerminalCursor;
/// This struct will be used for cursor actions in windows terminals performed by winapi.
pub struct WinApiCursor
has_moved: bool,
impl Construct for WinApiCursor
fn new() -> Box<WinApiCursor>
Box::from(WinApiCursor {has_moved: false})
impl ITerminalCursor for WinApiCursor
fn goto(&self, x: i16 , y: i16)
// cursor::set(x,y);
fn move_up(&self, count: u16)
let xpos = cursor::xpos();
let ypos = cursor::ypos();
cursor::set(xpos, ypos -1);
fn move_right(&self, count: u16)
let xpos = cursor::xpos();
let ypos = cursor::ypos();
cursor::set(xpos + 1, ypos);
fn move_down(&self, count: u16)
let xpos = cursor::xpos();
let ypos = cursor::ypos();
cursor::set(xpos, ypos + count);
fn move_left(&self, count: u16)
let xpos = cursor::xpos();
let ypos = cursor::ypos();
cursor::set(xpos -1, ypos);

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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
use std::string::String;
use Construct;
use super::color::{Color,ColorType};
use super::base_color::{ ITerminalColor, sum_u16_to_string };
/// This struct will be used for coloring ansi terminals with ansi escape codes.
pub struct ANSIColor;
impl Construct for ANSIColor
fn new() -> Box<ANSIColor>
Box::from(ANSIColor {})
impl ITerminalColor for ANSIColor
fn set_fg(&self, fg_color: Color)
format!(csi!("38;2;{}m"), self.color_value(fg_color,ColorType::Foreground));
fn set_bg(&self, bg_color: Color)
format!(csi!("38;2;{}m"), self.color_value(bg_color,ColorType::Background));
fn reset(&self)
fn color_value(&self, color: Color, color_type: ColorType) -> String
let mut ansi_color_code = String::new();
// The ansi code for forground = 30 and background = 40;
match color_type
ColorType::Foreground => ansi_color_code.push_str("30"),
ColorType::Background => ansi_color_code.push_str("40"),
// Construct ANSI escape color code string. ;1 is for the brightness
match color
Color::Black => { sum_u16_to_string(0, &mut ansi_color_code); },
Color::Red => sum_u16_to_string(1, &mut ansi_color_code),
Color::DarkRed => {
sum_u16_to_string(1, &mut ansi_color_code);
Color::Green => sum_u16_to_string(2, &mut ansi_color_code),
Color::DarkGreen => {
sum_u16_to_string(2, &mut ansi_color_code);
Color::Yellow => sum_u16_to_string(3, &mut ansi_color_code),
Color::DarkYellow => {
sum_u16_to_string(3, &mut ansi_color_code);
Color::Blue => sum_u16_to_string(4, &mut ansi_color_code),
Color::DarkBlue => {
sum_u16_to_string(4, &mut ansi_color_code);
Color::Magenta => sum_u16_to_string(5, &mut ansi_color_code),
Color::DarkMagenta => {
sum_u16_to_string(5, &mut ansi_color_code);
Color::Cyan => sum_u16_to_string(6, &mut ansi_color_code),
Color::DarkCyan =>
sum_u16_to_string(6, &mut ansi_color_code);
Color::Grey => sum_u16_to_string(7, &mut ansi_color_code),
Color::White => sum_u16_to_string(7, &mut ansi_color_code),

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
/// This trait defines the actions that can be preformed on the termial color.
/// This trait can be inplemented so that an concrete inplementation of the ITerminalColor can forfill
/// the wishes to work on an specific platform.
/// ## For example:
/// This trait is inplemented for winapi (Windows specific) and ansi (Unix specific),
/// so that the color related actions can be preformed on both unix and windows systems.
use super::color::{Color,ColorType};
pub trait ITerminalColor
/// Set the forground color to the given color.
fn set_fg(&self, fg_color: Color);
/// Set the background color to the given color.
fn set_bg(&self, fg_color: Color);
/// Reset the terminal color to default.
fn reset(&self);
/// Gets an value that represents an color from the given `Color` and `ColorType`.
fn color_value(&self, color: Color, color_type: ColorType) -> String;
/// Sum an u16 value with an string (also a numeric value).
pub fn sum_u16_to_string(value: u16, string: &mut String)
let parsed_string: u16 = string.parse().unwrap();
let new_value: u16 = parsed_string + value;
*string = new_value.to_string();

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@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
use std::fmt;
use std::convert::From;
use std::str::FromStr;
use Construct;
use super::{WinApiColor, ANSIColor,NoTerminalColor};
use super::base_color::ITerminalColor;
use terminal_style::{ObjectStyle,StyledObject};
/// Colors that are available for coloring the termainal font.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Color
/// Color types
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum ColorType
/// Enables an user to pass in an color as str.
/// *Default color if cannot be parsed will be white.*
/// # Example
/// ``` rust
/// let fg_color = Color::from("red");
/// let bg_color = Color::from("blue");
/// println!("{}",paint("■").with(fg_color).on(bg_color));
/// ```
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for Color {
fn from(src: &str) -> Self {
/// Enables an user to pass in an color as String.
/// *Default color if cannot be parsed will be white.*
/// # Example
/// ``` rust
/// let fg_color = Color::from(String::from("red"));
/// let bg_color = Color::from(String::from("blue"));
/// println!("{}",paint("■").with(fg_color).on(bg_color));
/// ```
impl From<String> for Color {
fn from(src: String) -> Self {
impl FromStr for Color {
type Err = ();
fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let src = src.to_lowercase();
match src.as_ref() {
"black" => Ok(Color::Black),
"red" => Ok(Color::Red),
"dark_red" => Ok(Color::DarkRed),
"green" => Ok(Color::Green),
"dark_green" => Ok(Color::DarkGreen),
"yellow" => Ok(Color::Yellow),
"dark_yellow" => Ok(Color::DarkYellow),
"blue" => Ok(Color::Blue),
"dark_blue" => Ok(Color::DarkBlue),
"magenta" => Ok(Color::Magenta),
"dark_magenta" => Ok(Color::DarkMagenta),
"cyan" => Ok(Color::Cyan),
"dark_cyan" => Ok(Color::DarkCyan),
"grey" => Ok(Color::Grey),
"white" => Ok(Color::White),
_ => Ok(Color::White),
/// Struct on wits the color realated actions can be performed.
pub struct TerminalColor
terminal_color: Option<Box<ITerminalColor>>,
impl TerminalColor
/// Instantiate an color implementation whereon color related actions can be performed.
pub fn init(&mut self)
if let None = self.terminal_color
self.terminal_color = get_color_options();
/// Set the forground color to the given color.
/// #Example
/// ```rust
/// let mut colored_terminal = colored_terminal();
/// colored_terminal.set_fg(Color::Red);
/// ```
pub fn set_fg(&mut self, color: Color)
if let Some(ref terminal_color) = self.terminal_color
/// Set the background color to the given color.
/// #Example
/// ```rust
/// let mut colored_terminal = colored_terminal();
/// colored_terminal.set_bg(Color::Red);
/// ```
pub fn set_bg(&mut self, color: Color)
if let Some(ref terminal_color) = self.terminal_color
/// Reset the terminal colors to default.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// let mut colored_terminal = colored_terminal();
/// colored_terminal.reset();
/// ```
pub fn reset(&mut self)
if let Some(ref terminal_color) = self.terminal_color
/// Get the concrete ITerminalColor implementation based on the current operating system.
fn get_color_options() -> Option<Box<ITerminalColor>>
if cfg!(target_os = "linux") {
else if cfg!(target_os = "windows") {
/// Get the terminal options for colors, whereon color related actions can be performed.
pub fn colored_terminal() -> Box<TerminalColor>
Box::from(TerminalColor { terminal_color: get_color_options() })
/// Wraps an displayable object so it can be formatted with colors and attributes.
/// #Example
/// ```rust
/// extern crate crossterm;
/// use self::crossterm::terminal_style::{paint,Color};
/// fn main()
/// {
/// // default foregroundcolor and backgroundcolor.
/// println!("{}",paint("■"));
/// // red foregroundcolor and Blue backgroundcolor
/// let styledobject = paint("■").with(Color::Red).on(Color::Blue);
/// println!("{}", styledobject);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn paint<D>(val: D) -> StyledObject<D> where D: fmt::Display

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
mod no_color;
mod ansi_color;
mod winapi_color;
pub mod color;
pub mod base_color;
use self::no_color::NoTerminalColor;
use self::ansi_color::ANSIColor;
use self::winapi_color::WinApiColor;

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
use Construct;
use super::color::{Color,ColorType};
use super::base_color::ITerminalColor;
/// Struct that will be instantiated when something went wrong or when an platform does not suport
/// the current concrete color inplementations.
pub struct NoTerminalColor;
impl Construct for NoTerminalColor
fn new() -> Box<NoTerminalColor>
Box::from(NoTerminalColor {})
impl ITerminalColor for NoTerminalColor
fn set_fg(&self, fg_color: Color)
{ }
fn set_bg(&self, bg_color: Color)
{ }
fn reset(&self)
{ }
fn color_value(&self, color: Color, color_type: ColorType) -> String

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
extern crate winapi;
use Construct;
use super::color::{Color,ColorType};
use super::base_color::ITerminalColor;
use kernel::windows_kernel::{kernel,color};
/// This struct will be used for coloring windows terminals with winapi.
pub struct WinApiColor
original_console_color: u16,
impl Construct for WinApiColor
fn new() -> Box<WinApiColor>
Box::from(WinApiColor { original_console_color: kernel::get_original_console_color()})
impl ITerminalColor for WinApiColor
fn set_fg(&self, fg_color: Color)
let color_value = &self.color_value(fg_color, ColorType::Foreground);
fn set_bg(&self, bg_color: Color)
let color_value = &self.color_value(bg_color, ColorType::Background);
fn reset(&self)
fn color_value(&self, color: Color, color_type: ColorType) -> String

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
mod color;
mod styles;
pub use self::color::base_color::{ITerminalColor};
pub use self::color::color::*;
pub use self::styles::objectstyle::ObjectStyle;
pub use self::styles::styledobject::StyledObject;

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
pub mod objectstyle;
pub mod styledobject;

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
use terminal_style::{ Color, StyledObject };
use std::fmt::Display;
/// This struct contains the style properties that can be applied to an displayable object.
pub struct ObjectStyle
pub fg_color: Option<Color>,
pub bg_color: Option<Color>,
impl Default for ObjectStyle
fn default() -> ObjectStyle
ObjectStyle { fg_color: Some(Color::White), bg_color: Some(Color::Black) }
impl ObjectStyle
/// Get an `StyledObject` from the passed displayable object.
pub fn apply_to<D>(&self, val: D) -> StyledObject<D> where D: Display {
StyledObject {
object_style: self.clone(),
content: val
/// Get an instance of `ObjectStyle`
pub fn new() -> ObjectStyle
return ObjectStyle {fg_color: None, bg_color: None }
/// Set the background color of `ObjectStyle` to the passed color.
pub fn bg(mut self, color: Color) -> ObjectStyle
self.bg_color = Some(color);
/// Set the foreground color of `ObjectStyle` to the passed color.
pub fn fg(mut self, color: Color) -> ObjectStyle
self.fg_color = Some(color);

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
use terminal_style::{ObjectStyle, Color};
/// Struct that contains both the style and the content wits is styled.
pub struct StyledObject<V>
pub object_style: ObjectStyle,
pub content: V,
impl<D> StyledObject<D>
/// Paints the foreground color with the passed `Color`
/// #Example
/// ```rust
/// extern crate crossterm;
/// use self::crossterm::terminal_style::{paint,Color};
/// fn main()
/// {
/// // create an styled object with the foreground color red.
/// let styledobject = paint("I am colored red").with(Color::Red);
/// // create an styled object with the foreground color blue.
/// let styledobject1 = paint("I am colored blue").with(Color::Blue);
/// // print the styled objects
/// println!("{}", styledobject);
/// println!("{}", styledobject1);
/// // or print an styled object directly.
/// println!("{}", paint("I am colored green").with(Color::Green))
/// }
/// ```
pub fn with(mut self, foreground_color: Color) -> StyledObject<D>
self.object_style = self.object_style.fg(foreground_color);
/// Paints the background color with the passed `Color`
/// #Example
/// ```rust
/// extern crate crossterm;
/// use self::crossterm::terminal_style::{paint,Color};
/// fn main()
/// {
/// // create an styled object with the background color red.
/// let styledobject = paint("I am colored red").on(Color::Red);
/// // create an styled object with the background color blue.
/// let styledobject1 = paint("I am colored blue").on(Color::Blue);
/// // print the styled objects
/// println!("{}", styledobject);
/// println!("{}", styledobject1);
/// // or print an styled object directly.
/// println!("{}", paint("I am colored green").on(Color::Green))
/// }
/// ```
pub fn on(mut self, background_color: Color) -> StyledObject<D>
self.object_style =;