I needed to create some `Context` types withs can manage the terminal state. So that when changes are made to the terminal the can be reverted. This is handy when using raw terminal mode and enabling some mode on the terminal like ansi escape codes for windows. When the `Context` dispposes all changes made will be reverted so that the user terminal is back in its starting state.
But when using `std::io::stdout` you will have an handle to the current screen. And not the alternate screen. And when using alternate screen you don't want to write to the mainscreen stdout. But to the alternate screen stdout. For this we also have the `Context` type withs has contains an type to manage the screen.
Crossterm is using `WINAPI` for windows systems and `ANSI escape codes` for unix systems. Crossterm provides one base trait with can be implemented for a platform specific instance. For example, there is an implementation for windows (`WINAPI`) and unix(`ANSI`) for the `cursor module`. To call the platform specific implementation there is one module that rules them all. Thrue this module the client calls some action and the module will deside what to do based on the current platform. And it will execute that action.
This library is library is stable. There will not be changed mutch in the code design so do not worry to mutch. If there are any changes that affect previous versions I will describe what to change when upgrading crossterm to an newer version.
- This library does not support any kind of raw terminal. When an terminal changes some core state of the terminal this state should be revered when the process ends from this library. Currently there are not made any changed to the core state of the terminal with this library. But when some fearures in the furure will be inplemented this will be the case. So there should come an kind of raw state for the terminal and reversable options to redo all the changes made to the core state when the process ends. More information can be found at this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/7tg6n2/looking_for_feedback_onmy_cross_platform_terminal/dtf4ilo/)
If you would like to contribute to crossterm, than please design the code as it is now. Each module contains the same structures so we can easely extend to multible platforms. As you study the code you will quiqly see what the architecture is. Maybe later there will be an documentation for how crossterm is design.