283 lines
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283 lines
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use super::StaticItem;
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use crate::message_handler::user_commands::{
UResult, VerbContext
use crate::models::item::{Item, ItemFlag};
mod repro_xv;
mod melbs;
mod cok_murl;
pub struct Zone {
pub code: &'static str,
pub display: &'static str,
pub outdoors: bool,
static STATIC_ZONE_DETAILS: OnceCell<BTreeMap<&'static str, Zone>> = OnceCell::new();
pub fn zone_details() -> &'static BTreeMap<&'static str, Zone> {
|| vec!(
Zone { code: "melbs",
display: "Melbs",
outdoors: true },
Zone { code: "repro_xv",
display: "Reprolabs XV",
outdoors: true },
Zone { code: "cok_murl",
display: "CoK-Murlison Complex",
outdoors: true },
).into_iter().map(|x|(x.code, x)).collect())
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct GridCoords {
pub x: i64,
pub y: i64,
pub z: i64
impl GridCoords {
pub fn apply(self: &GridCoords, dir: &Direction) -> GridCoords {
match dir {
Direction::NORTH => GridCoords {y: self.y - 1, ..*self},
Direction::SOUTH => GridCoords {y: self.y + 1, ..*self},
Direction::EAST => GridCoords {x: self.x + 1, ..*self},
Direction::WEST => GridCoords {x: self.x - 1, ..*self},
Direction::NORTHEAST => GridCoords {x: self.x + 1, y: self.y - 1, ..*self},
Direction::SOUTHEAST => GridCoords {x: self.x + 1, y: self.y + 1, ..*self},
Direction::NORTHWEST => GridCoords {x: self.x - 1, y: self.y - 1, ..*self},
Direction::SOUTHWEST => GridCoords {x: self.x - 1, y: self.y + 1, ..*self},
Direction::UP => GridCoords {z: self.z + 1, ..*self},
Direction::DOWN => GridCoords {z: self.z - 1, ..*self},
Direction::IN { .. } => self.clone()
pub trait ExitBlocker {
// True if they will be allowed to pass the exit, false otherwise.
async fn attempt_exit(
self: &Self,
ctx: &mut VerbContext,
player: &mut Item,
exit: &Exit
) -> UResult<bool>;
pub enum ExitType {
Free, // Anyone can just walk it.
Blocked(&'static (dyn ExitBlocker + Sync + Send)), // Custom code about who can pass.
// Future ideas: Doors with locks, etc...
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Direction {
IN { item: String }
impl Direction {
pub fn describe(self: &Self) -> String {
match self {
Direction::NORTH => "north".to_owned(),
Direction::SOUTH => "south".to_owned(),
Direction::EAST => "east".to_owned(),
Direction::WEST => "west".to_owned(),
Direction::NORTHEAST => "northeast".to_owned(),
Direction::SOUTHEAST => "southeast".to_owned(),
Direction::NORTHWEST => "northwest".to_owned(),
Direction::SOUTHWEST => "southwest".to_owned(),
Direction::UP => "up".to_owned(),
Direction::DOWN => "down".to_owned(),
Direction::IN { item } => item.to_owned()
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Option<&'static Direction> {
match input {
"north" | "n" => Some(&Direction::NORTH),
"south" | "s" => Some(&Direction::SOUTH),
"east" | "e" => Some(&Direction::EAST),
"west" | "w" => Some(&Direction::WEST),
"northeast" | "ne" => Some(&Direction::NORTHEAST),
"southeast" | "se" => Some(&Direction::SOUTHEAST),
"northwest" | "nw" => Some(&Direction::NORTHEAST),
"southwest" | "sw" => Some(&Direction::SOUTHWEST),
"up" => Some(&Direction::UP),
"down" => Some(&Direction::DOWN),
_ => None
pub enum ExitTarget {
Custom(&'static str)
pub struct Exit {
pub direction: Direction,
pub target: ExitTarget,
pub exit_type: ExitType,
pub struct SecondaryZoneRecord {
pub zone: &'static str,
pub short: &'static str,
pub grid_coords: GridCoords,
pub caption: Option<&'static str>
pub struct Room {
pub zone: &'static str,
// Other zones where it can be seen on the map and accessed.
pub secondary_zones: Vec<SecondaryZoneRecord>,
pub code: &'static str,
pub name: &'static str,
pub short: &'static str,
pub grid_coords: GridCoords,
pub description: &'static str,
pub description_less_explicit: Option<&'static str>,
pub exits: Vec<Exit>,
pub should_caption: bool,
pub item_flags: Vec<ItemFlag>
impl Default for Room {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
zone: "default",
secondary_zones: vec!(),
code: "default",
name: "default",
short: "DF",
grid_coords: GridCoords { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
description: "default",
description_less_explicit: None,
exits: vec!(),
should_caption: true,
item_flags: vec!(),
static STATIC_ROOM_LIST: OnceCell<Vec<Room>> = OnceCell::new();
pub fn room_list() -> &'static Vec<Room> {
|| {
let mut rooms = repro_xv::room_list();
rooms.append(&mut melbs::room_list());
rooms.append(&mut cok_murl::room_list());
static STATIC_ROOM_MAP_BY_CODE: OnceCell<BTreeMap<&'static str, &'static Room>> = OnceCell::new();
pub fn room_map_by_code() -> &'static BTreeMap<&'static str, &'static Room> {
|| room_list().iter().map(|r| (r.code, r)).collect())
static STATIC_ROOM_MAP_BY_ZLOC: OnceCell<BTreeMap<(&'static str, &'static GridCoords),
&'static Room>> = OnceCell::new();
pub fn room_map_by_zloc() -> &'static BTreeMap<(&'static str, &'static GridCoords), &'static Room> {
|| room_list().iter()
.map(|r| ((r.zone, &r.grid_coords), r))
.flat_map(|r| r.secondary_zones.iter()
.map(|sz| ((sz.zone, &sz.grid_coords), r))
.collect::<Vec<((&'static str, &'static GridCoords), &'static Room)>>()))
pub fn room_static_items() -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = StaticItem>> {
Box::new(room_list().iter().map(|r| StaticItem {
item_code: r.code,
initial_item: Box::new(|| Item {
item_code: r.code.to_owned(),
item_type: "room".to_owned(),
display: r.name.to_owned(),
details: Some(r.description.to_owned()),
details_less_explicit: r.description_less_explicit.map(|d|d.to_owned()),
location: format!("zone/{}", r.zone),
is_static: true,
flags: r.item_flags.clone(),
pub fn resolve_exit(room: &Room, exit: &Exit) -> Option<&'static Room> {
match exit.target {
ExitTarget::Custom(t) => t.split_once("/").and_then(
if t != "room" {
} else {
ExitTarget::UseGPS =>
room_map_by_zloc().get(&(room.zone, &room.grid_coords.apply(&exit.direction))).map(|r|*r)
mod test {
use itertools::Itertools;
use super::*;
fn room_zones_should_exist() {
for room in room_list() {
&format!("zone {} for room {} should exist", room.zone, room.code));
fn room_map_by_code_should_have_repro_xv_chargen() {
assert_eq!(room_map_by_code().get("repro_xv_chargen").expect("repro_xv_chargen to exist").code,
fn grid_coords_should_be_unique_in_zone() {
let mut roomlist: Vec<&'static Room> = room_list().iter().collect();
let dups : Vec<Vec<(&'static str, &GridCoords, &'static str)>> =
.group_by(|x| (&x.grid_coords, x.zone))
.map(|((coord, zone), rg)|
rg.map(|r| (r.name, coord, zone))
.collect::<Vec<(&str, &GridCoords, &str)>>())
.filter(|x| x.len() > 1)
Vec::<Vec<(&str, &GridCoords, &str)>>::new());