use super::StaticItem; use once_cell::sync::OnceCell; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use ansi::ansi; use crate::models::item::Item; pub struct Zone { pub code: &'static str, pub display: &'static str, pub outdoors: bool, } static STATIC_ZONE_DETAILS: OnceCell> = OnceCell::new(); pub fn zone_details() -> &'static BTreeMap<&'static str, Zone> { STATIC_ZONE_DETAILS.get_or_init( || vec!( Zone { code: "melbs", display: "Melbs", outdoors: true }, Zone { code: "repro_xv", display: "Reprolabs XV", outdoors: true }, ).into_iter().map(|x|(x.code, x)).collect()) } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Debug)] pub struct GridCoords { pub x: i64, pub y: i64, pub z: i64 } impl GridCoords { pub fn apply(self: &GridCoords, dir: &Direction) -> GridCoords { match dir { Direction::NORTH => GridCoords {y: self.y - 1, ..*self}, Direction::SOUTH => GridCoords {y: self.y + 1, ..*self}, Direction::EAST => GridCoords {x: self.x + 1, ..*self}, Direction::WEST => GridCoords {x: self.x - 1, ..*self}, Direction::NORTHEAST => GridCoords {x: self.x + 1, y: self.y - 1, ..*self}, Direction::SOUTHEAST => GridCoords {x: self.x + 1, y: self.y + 1, ..*self}, Direction::NORTHWEST => GridCoords {x: self.x - 1, y: self.y - 1, ..*self}, Direction::SOUTHWEST => GridCoords {x: self.x - 1, y: self.y + 1, ..*self}, Direction::UP => GridCoords {z: self.z + 1, ..*self}, Direction::DOWN => GridCoords {z: self.z - 1, ..*self}, Direction::IN(_) => self.clone() } } } pub enum ExitType { Free, // Anyone can just walk it. // Future ideas: Doors with locks, etc... } #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Debug)] pub enum Direction { NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, NORTHEAST, SOUTHEAST, NORTHWEST, SOUTHWEST, UP, DOWN, IN(&'static str) } impl Direction { pub fn describe(self: &Self) -> &'static str { match self { Direction::NORTH => "north", Direction::SOUTH => "south", Direction::EAST => "east", Direction::WEST => "west", Direction::NORTHEAST => "northeast", Direction::SOUTHEAST => "southeast", Direction::NORTHWEST => "northwest", Direction::SOUTHWEST => "southwest", Direction::UP => "up", Direction::DOWN => "down", Direction::IN(s) => s } } pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Option<&'static Direction> { match input { "north" | "n" => Some(&Direction::NORTH), "south" | "s" => Some(&Direction::SOUTH), "east" | "e" => Some(&Direction::EAST), "west" | "w" => Some(&Direction::WEST), "northeast" | "ne" => Some(&Direction::NORTHEAST), "southeast" | "se" => Some(&Direction::SOUTHEAST), "northwest" | "nw" => Some(&Direction::NORTHEAST), "southwest" | "sw" => Some(&Direction::SOUTHWEST), _ => None } } } pub enum ExitTarget { UseGPS, #[allow(dead_code)] Custom(&'static str) } pub struct Exit { pub direction: Direction, pub target: ExitTarget, pub exit_type: ExitType } pub struct Room { pub zone: &'static str, pub code: &'static str, pub name: &'static str, pub short: &'static str, pub grid_coords: GridCoords, pub description: &'static str, pub description_less_explicit: Option<&'static str>, pub exits: Vec } static STATIC_ROOM_LIST: OnceCell> = OnceCell::new(); pub fn room_list() -> &'static Vec { STATIC_ROOM_LIST.get_or_init( || vec!( Room { zone: "repro_xv", code: "repro_xv_chargen", name: ansi!("Choice Room"), short: ansi!("CR"), description: ansi!( "A room brightly lit in unnaturally white light, covered in sparkling \ white tiles from floor to ceiling. A loudspeaker plays a message on \ loop:\n\ \t\"Citizen, you are here because your memory has been wiped and \ you are ready to start a fresh life. As a being enhanced by \ Gazos-Murlison Co technology, the emperor has granted you the power \ to choose 14 points of upgrades to yourself. Choose wisely, as it \ will impact who you end up being, and you would need to completely \ wipe your brain again to change them. Talk to Statbot to spend your \ 14 points and create your body.\"\n\ [Try -statbot hi, to send hi to statbot - the - means \ to whisper to a particular person in the room]"), description_less_explicit: None, grid_coords: GridCoords { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 }, exits: vec!(Exit { direction: Direction::EAST, target: ExitTarget::UseGPS, exit_type: ExitType::Free, }) }, Room { zone: "repro_xv", code: "repro_xv_respawn", name: ansi!("Body Factory"), short: ansi!("BF"), description: ansi!( "A room filled with glass vats full of clear fluids, with bodies of \ various stages of development floating in them. It smells like bleach. \ Being here makes you realise you aren't exactly alive right now... you \ have no body. But you sense you could go up and attach \ your memories to a body matching your current stats"), description_less_explicit: None, grid_coords: GridCoords { x: 1, y: 0, z: 1 }, exits: vec!() }, ).into_iter().collect()) } static STATIC_ROOM_MAP_BY_CODE: OnceCell> = OnceCell::new(); pub fn room_map_by_code() -> &'static BTreeMap<&'static str, &'static Room> { STATIC_ROOM_MAP_BY_CODE.get_or_init( || room_list().iter().map(|r| (r.code, r)).collect()) } static STATIC_ROOM_MAP_BY_ZLOC: OnceCell> = OnceCell::new(); pub fn room_map_by_zloc() -> &'static BTreeMap<(&'static str, &'static GridCoords), &'static Room> { STATIC_ROOM_MAP_BY_ZLOC.get_or_init( || room_list().iter().map(|r| ((, &r.grid_coords), r)).collect()) } pub fn room_static_items() -> Box> { Box::new(room_list().iter().map(|r| StaticItem { item_code: r.code, initial_item: Box::new(|| Item { item_code: r.code.to_owned(), item_type: "room".to_owned(), display:, details: Some(r.description.to_owned()), details_less_explicit:|d|d.to_owned()), location: format!("zone/{}",, is_static: true, ..Item::default() }) })) } pub fn resolve_exit(room: &Room, exit: &Exit) -> Option<&'static Room> { match { ExitTarget::Custom(t) => t.split_once("/").and_then( |(t,c)| if t != "room" { None } else { room_map_by_code().get(c).map(|r|*r) }), ExitTarget::UseGPS => room_map_by_zloc().get(&(, &room.grid_coords.apply(&exit.direction))).map(|r|*r) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn room_zones_should_exist() { for room in room_list() { zone_details().get( &format!("zone {} for room {} should exist",, room.code)); } } #[test] fn room_map_by_code_should_have_repro_xv_chargen() { assert_eq!(room_map_by_code().get("repro_xv_chargen").expect("repro_xv_chargen to exist").code, "repro_xv_chargen"); } }