use super::{ Dynzone, DynzoneType, Dynroom, Exit, ExitTarget, ExitType, super::room::GridCoords }; use crate::static_content::room::Direction; use crate::models::item::ItemFlag; pub fn zone() -> Dynzone { Dynzone { zonetype: DynzoneType::CokMurlApartment, zonename: "Condos on King", entrypoint_subcode: "doorstep", dyn_rooms: vec!( ("doorstep", Dynroom { subcode: "doorstep", name: "Door step", short: "DS", description: "A sleek hallway, painted white, and lit by futuristic looking bluish-white strip lights that run along the edges of the ceiling. Soft navy blue carpet covers the floor. A beige painted door seems to lead into a private studio apartment", description_less_explicit: None, exits: vec!( Exit { direction: Direction::WEST, target: ExitTarget::ExitZone, exit_type: ExitType::Doorless }, Exit { direction: Direction::EAST, target: ExitTarget::Intrazone { subcode: "studio" }, exit_type: ExitType::Doorless } ), grid_coords: GridCoords { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, should_caption: true, item_flags: vec!(), ..Default::default() }), ("studio", Dynroom { subcode: "studio", name: "Studio apartment", short: "ST", description: "An oddly comfortable studio apartment, with worn grey carpet covering the floor. A window to the east has spectacular views of Melbs and the bleak and desolate wasteland beyond it", description_less_explicit: None, exits: vec!( Exit { direction: Direction::WEST, target: ExitTarget::Intrazone { subcode: "doorstep" }, exit_type: ExitType::Doored { description: "a reasonably sturdy looking fire-rated solid core beige painted door" } } ), grid_coords: GridCoords { x: 1, y: 0, z: 0 }, should_caption: true, item_flags: vec!(ItemFlag::DroppedItemsDontExpire, ItemFlag::PrivatePlace), ..Default::default() }) ).into_iter().collect(), ..Default::default() } }