Allow attacks to be started.
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,6 +48,17 @@ dependencies = [
name = "async-recursion"
version = "1.0.0"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "2cda8f4bcc10624c4e85bc66b3f452cca98cfa5ca002dc83a16aad2367641bea"
dependencies = [
name = "async-trait"
version = "0.1.60"
@ -111,6 +122,7 @@ name = "blastmud_game"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"base64 0.20.0",
@ -35,3 +35,4 @@ validator = "0.16.0"
itertools = "0.10.5"
once_cell = "1.16.0"
rand = "0.8.5"
async-recursion = "1.0.0"
@ -285,7 +285,8 @@ impl DBTrans {
// Only copy more permanent fields, others are supposed to change over time and shouldn't
// be reset on restart.
for to_copy in ["display", "display_less_explicit", "details", "details_less_explicit",
"total_xp", "total_stats", "total_skills", "pronouns", "flags"] {
"total_xp", "total_stats", "total_skills", "pronouns", "flags",
"sex", "is_challenge_attack_only"] {
det_ex = format!("jsonb_set({}, '{{{}}}', ${})", det_ex, to_copy, var_id);
var_id += 1;
@ -53,6 +53,14 @@ pub fn pluralise(input: &str) -> String {
input.to_owned() + "s"
pub fn caps_first(inp: &str) -> String {
if inp.is_empty() {
} else {
inp[0..1].to_uppercase() + &inp[1..]
mod test {
@ -76,4 +84,16 @@ mod test {
assert_eq!(super::pluralise(word), plural);
fn caps_first_works() {
for (inp, outp) in vec!(
("", ""),
("cat", "Cat"),
("Cat", "Cat"),
("hello world", "Hello world"),
) {
assert_eq!(super::caps_first(inp), outp);
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use std::sync::Arc;
mod agree;
pub mod attack;
mod describe;
mod help;
mod ignore;
@ -96,13 +97,20 @@ static REGISTERED_COMMANDS: UserVerbRegistry = phf_map! {
"down" => movement::VERB,
// Other commands (alphabetical except aliases grouped):
"attack" => attack::VERB,
"kill" => attack::VERB,
"k" => attack::VERB,
"describe" => describe::VERB,
"l" => look::VERB,
"look" => look::VERB,
"read" => look::VERB,
"lmap" => map::VERB,
"\'" => say::VERB,
"say" => say::VERB,
"-" => whisper::VERB,
"whisper" => whisper::VERB,
"tell" => whisper::VERB,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
use super::{VerbContext, UserVerb, UserVerbRef, UResult, user_error,
get_player_item_or_fail, search_item_for_user};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use ansi::ansi;
use crate::services::broadcast_to_room;
use crate::db::{DBTrans, ItemSearchParams};
use crate::models::{item::{Item, LocationActionType, Subattack}};
use async_recursion::async_recursion;
async fn start_attack(trans: &DBTrans, by_whom: &Item, to_whom: &Item) -> UResult<()> {
let mut msg_exp = String::new();
let mut msg_nonexp = String::new();
let mut verb: String = "attacks".to_string();
match by_whom.action_type {
LocationActionType::Sitting | LocationActionType::Reclining => {
msg_exp.push_str(&format!(ansi!("{} stands up.\n"), &by_whom.display));
msg_nonexp.push_str(&format!(ansi!("{} stands up.\n"),
LocationActionType::Attacking(_) => {
match by_whom.active_combat.as_ref().and_then(|ac| ac.attacking.as_ref().and_then(|s| s.split_once("/"))) {
Some((cur_type, cur_code)) if cur_type == to_whom.item_type && cur_code == to_whom.item_code =>
user_error(format!("You're already attacking {}!", to_whom.pronouns.object))?,
Some((cur_type, cur_code)) => {
if let Some(cur_item_arc) = trans.find_item_by_type_code(cur_type, cur_code).await? {
let mut cur_item = (*cur_item_arc).clone();
if let Some(ac) = cur_item.active_combat.as_mut() {
let old_attacker = format!("{}/{}", by_whom.item_type, by_whom.item_code);
ac.attacked_by.retain(|v| v != &old_attacker);
_ => {}
verb = "refocuses ".to_string() + &by_whom.pronouns.possessive + " attacks on";
_ => {}
ansi!("<red>{} {} {}.<reset>\n"),
&by_whom.display_for_sentence(true, 1, true),
&to_whom.display_for_sentence(true, 1, false))
ansi!("<red>{} {} {}.<reset>\n"),
&by_whom.display_for_sentence(false, 1, true),
&to_whom.display_for_sentence(false, 1, false))
broadcast_to_room(trans, &by_whom.location, None, &msg_exp, Some(msg_nonexp.as_str())).await?;
let mut by_whom_for_update = by_whom.clone();
by_whom_for_update.active_combat.get_or_insert_with(|| Default::default()).attacking =
&to_whom.item_type, &to_whom.item_code));
by_whom_for_update.action_type = LocationActionType::Attacking(Subattack::Normal);
let mut to_whom_for_update = to_whom.clone();
to_whom_for_update.active_combat.get_or_insert_with(|| Default::default()).attacked_by.push(
&by_whom.item_type, &by_whom.item_code)
// Auto-counterattack if victim isn't busy.
if to_whom_for_update.active_combat.as_ref().and_then(|ac| ac.attacking.as_ref()) == None {
start_attack(trans, &to_whom_for_update, &by_whom_for_update).await?;
pub struct Verb;
impl UserVerb for Verb {
async fn handle(self: &Self, ctx: &mut VerbContext, _verb: &str, remaining: &str) -> UResult<()> {
let player_item = get_player_item_or_fail(ctx).await?;
let attack_whom = search_item_for_user(ctx, &ItemSearchParams {
include_loc_contents: true,
..ItemSearchParams::base(&player_item, remaining)
match attack_whom.item_type.as_str() {
"npc" => {}
"player" => {},
_ => user_error("Only characters (players / NPCs) accept whispers".to_string())?
if attack_whom.item_code == player_item.item_code && attack_whom.item_type == player_item.item_type {
user_error("That's you, silly!".to_string())?
if attack_whom.is_challenge_attack_only {
// Add challenge check here.
user_error(ansi!("<blue>Your wristpad vibrates and blocks you from doing that.<reset> You get a feeling that while the empire might be gone, the system to stop subjects with working wristpads from fighting each unless they have an accepted challenge very much functional. [Try <bold>help challenge<reset>]").to_string())?
start_attack(&ctx.trans, &player_item, &attack_whom).await
static VERB_INT: Verb = Verb;
pub static VERB: UserVerbRef = &VERB_INT as UserVerbRef;
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ use crate::models::{item::{Item, LocationActionType, Subattack, ItemFlag}};
use crate::static_content::room::{self, Direction};
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::language::pluralise;
pub fn render_map(room: &room::Room, width: usize, height: usize) -> String {
let mut buf = String::new();
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ pub async fn describe_normal_item(ctx: &VerbContext<'_>, item: &Item) -> UResult
@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ async fn list_item_contents<'l>(ctx: &'l VerbContext<'_>, item: &'l Item) -> URe
let all_groups: Vec<Vec<&Arc<Item>>> = items
.group_by(|i| &i.display)
.group_by(|i| i.display_for_sentence(true, 1, false))
.map(|(_, g)|g.collect::<Vec<&Arc<Item>>>())
@ -94,16 +93,8 @@ async fn list_item_contents<'l>(ctx: &'l VerbContext<'_>, item: &'l Item) -> URe
let head = &group_items[0];
let is_creature = head.item_type == "player" || head.item_type.starts_with("npc");
buf.push(' ');
if group_items.len() > 1 {
buf.push_str(&format!("{} ", group_items.len()))
} else if !head.pronouns.is_proper {
buf.push_str("A ");
let mut disp = head.display_for_session(&ctx.session_dat).to_owned();
if group_items.len() > 1 {
disp = pluralise(&disp);
group_items.len(), true));
buf.push_str(if group_items.len() > 1 { " are " } else { " is "});
match head.action_type {
LocationActionType::Sitting => buf.push_str("sitting "),
@ -129,7 +120,7 @@ async fn list_item_contents<'l>(ctx: &'l VerbContext<'_>, item: &'l Item) -> URe
match ctx.trans.find_item_by_type_code(ttype, tcode).await? {
None => buf.push_str("someone"),
Some(it) => buf.push_str(
@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ pub async fn say_to_room<'l>(
let msg_exp = format!(
ansi!("<yellow>{} says: <reset><bold>\"{}\"<reset>\n"),
from_item.display_for_sentence(true, 1, true),
let msg_lessexp = format!(
ansi!("<yellow>{} says: <reset><bold>\"{}\"<reset>\n"),
from_item.display_for_sentence(false, 1, true),
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use crate::language;
use super::{user::{SkillType, StatType}, session::Session};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ pub enum LocationActionType {
Worn, // Clothing etc...
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
@ -112,6 +113,22 @@ pub enum ItemFlag {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct ActiveCombat {
pub attacking: Option<String>,
pub attacked_by: Vec<String>
impl Default for ActiveCombat {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
attacking: None,
attacked_by: vec!()
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct Item {
@ -125,6 +142,8 @@ pub struct Item {
pub action_type: LocationActionType,
pub presence_target: Option<String>, // e.g. what are they sitting on.
pub is_static: bool,
pub is_dead: bool,
pub is_challenge_attack_only: bool,
pub total_xp: u64,
pub total_stats: BTreeMap<StatType, u16>,
@ -133,12 +152,41 @@ pub struct Item {
pub pronouns: Pronouns,
pub flags: Vec<ItemFlag>,
pub sex: Option<Sex>,
pub active_combat: Option<ActiveCombat>,
impl Item {
pub fn display_for_session<'l>(self: &'l Self, session: &Session) -> &'l str {
pub fn display_for_sentence(&self, explicit_ok: bool, pluralise: usize, caps: bool) -> String {
let mut buf = String::new();
if self.is_dead {
if pluralise > 1 {
buf.push_str("the bodies of ");
} else {
buf.push_str("the body of ");
if !self.pronouns.is_proper && pluralise == 1 {
buf.push_str("a ");
if pluralise > 1 {
buf.push_str(&format!("{} ", pluralise));
let singular = if explicit_ok { &self.display } else {
self.display_less_explicit.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.display) };
if pluralise > 1 {
} else {
if caps {
} else {
pub fn display_for_session<'l>(self: &'l Self, session: &Session) -> String {
self.display_for_sentence(!session.less_explicit_mode, 1, false)
pub fn details_for_session<'l>(self: &'l Self, session: &Session) -> Option<&'l str>{
@ -154,7 +202,7 @@ impl Item {
impl Default for Item {
fn default() -> Self {
Item {
Self {
item_code: "unset".to_owned(),
item_type: "unset".to_owned(),
display: "Item".to_owned(),
@ -165,13 +213,16 @@ impl Default for Item {
action_type: LocationActionType::Normal,
presence_target: None,
is_static: false,
is_dead: false,
is_challenge_attack_only: true,
total_xp: 0,
total_stats: BTreeMap::new(),
total_skills: BTreeMap::new(),
temporary_buffs: Vec::new(),
pronouns: Pronouns::default_inanimate(),
flags: vec!(),
sex: None
sex: None,
active_combat: Some(Default::default()),
@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ pub struct NPC {
pub description: &'static str,
pub spawn_location: &'static str,
pub message_handler: Option<&'static (dyn NPCMessageHandler + Sync + Send)>,
pub says: Vec<NPCSayInfo>
pub says: Vec<NPCSayInfo>,
pub attackable: bool
impl Default for NPC {
@ -64,7 +65,8 @@ impl Default for NPC {
description: "default",
spawn_location: "default",
message_handler: None,
says: vec!()
says: vec!(),
attackable: false
@ -121,6 +123,7 @@ pub fn npc_static_items() -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = StaticItem>> {
location: c.spawn_location.to_owned(),
is_static: true,
pronouns: c.pronouns.clone(),
is_challenge_attack_only: !c.attackable,
@ -1,487 +1,81 @@
use super::NPC;
use crate::models::item::Pronouns;
macro_rules! dog {
($code:expr, $adj:expr, $spawn: expr) => {
code: concat!("melbs_dog_", $code),
name: concat!($adj, " dog"),
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
attackable: true,
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: concat!("room/", $spawn),
pub fn npc_list() -> Vec<NPC> {
code: "melbs_dog_1",
name: "feral black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_elizabethst_collinsst",
code: "melbs_dog_2",
name: "howling black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_collinsst_100",
code: "melbs_dog_3",
name: "ferocious white dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_elizabethst_lonsdalest",
code: "melbs_dog_4",
name: "mangy grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_collinsst_160",
code: "melbs_dog_5",
name: "howling grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_lonsdalest_100",
code: "melbs_dog_6",
name: "reeking black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_lonsdalest_120",
code: "melbs_dog_7",
name: "growling grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_williamsst_20",
code: "melbs_dog_8",
name: "mangy black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_bourkest_120",
code: "melbs_dog_9",
name: "howling black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_collinsst_100",
code: "melbs_dog_10",
name: "howling brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_flindersst_130",
code: "melbs_dog_11",
name: "ferocious black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_flindersst_100",
code: "melbs_dog_12",
name: "mangy grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_elizabethst_90",
code: "melbs_dog_13",
name: "reeking light brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_lonsdalest_140",
code: "melbs_dog_14",
name: "smelly black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_queenst_20",
code: "melbs_dog_15",
name: "growling light brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_elizabethst_10",
code: "melbs_dog_16",
name: "howling brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_swanstonst_flindersst",
code: "melbs_dog_17",
name: "feral brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_kingst_latrobest",
code: "melbs_dog_18",
name: "smelly grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_kingst_40",
code: "melbs_dog_19",
name: "feral black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_elizabethst_60",
code: "melbs_dog_20",
name: "smelly white dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_swanstonst_120",
code: "melbs_dog_21",
name: "growling white dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_elizabethst_90",
code: "melbs_dog_22",
name: "feral light brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_lonsdalest_150",
code: "melbs_dog_23",
name: "mangy grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_lonsdalest_150",
code: "melbs_dog_24",
name: "reeking grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_elizabethst_100",
code: "melbs_dog_25",
name: "smelly grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_bourkest_180",
code: "melbs_dog_26",
name: "growling light brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_queenst_100",
code: "melbs_dog_27",
name: "feral light brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_queenst_10",
code: "melbs_dog_28",
name: "feral grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_lonsdalest_160",
code: "melbs_dog_29",
name: "reeking brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_bourkest_110",
code: "melbs_dog_30",
name: "howling grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_queenst_80",
code: "melbs_dog_31",
name: "howling brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_bourkest_160",
code: "melbs_dog_32",
name: "feral black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_swanstonst_collinsst",
code: "melbs_dog_33",
name: "reeking brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_kingst_flinderst",
code: "melbs_dog_34",
name: "reeking white dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_elizabethst_100",
code: "melbs_dog_35",
name: "growling light brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_queenst_110",
code: "melbs_dog_36",
name: "reeking black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_williamsst_90",
code: "melbs_dog_37",
name: "growling black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_latrobesst_200",
code: "melbs_dog_38",
name: "feral black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_queenst_90",
code: "melbs_dog_39",
name: "mangy black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_queenst_40",
code: "melbs_dog_40",
name: "growling white dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_williamsst_40",
code: "melbs_dog_41",
name: "reeking grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_queenst_latrobest",
code: "melbs_dog_42",
name: "mangy grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_flindersst_210",
code: "melbs_dog_43",
name: "ferocious brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_kingst_latrobest",
code: "melbs_dog_44",
name: "ferocious light brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_collinsst_120",
code: "melbs_dog_45",
name: "ferocious light brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_swanstonst_lonsdalest",
code: "melbs_dog_46",
name: "smelly grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_williamsst_30",
code: "melbs_dog_47",
name: "growling grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_lonsdalest_100",
code: "melbs_dog_48",
name: "ferocious brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_latrobest_210",
code: "melbs_dog_49",
name: "reeking brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_latrobest_140",
code: "melbs_dog_50",
name: "howling grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_swanstonst_110",
code: "melbs_dog_51",
name: "howling black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_elizabethst_flindersst",
code: "melbs_dog_52",
name: "growling light brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_flindersst_120",
code: "melbs_dog_53",
name: "ferocious black dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_queenst_110",
code: "melbs_dog_54",
name: "growling grey dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_flindersst_210",
code: "melbs_dog_55",
name: "reeking brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_williamsst_60",
code: "melbs_dog_56",
name: "ferocious white dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_queenst_lonsdalest",
code: "melbs_dog_57",
name: "smelly brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_swanstonst_lonsdalest",
code: "melbs_dog_58",
name: "mangy white dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_williamsst_bourkest",
code: "melbs_dog_59",
name: "mangy brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_latrobest_170",
code: "melbs_dog_60",
name: "growling brown dog",
pronouns: Pronouns { is_proper: false, ..Pronouns::default_inanimate() },
description: "A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.",
spawn_location: "room/melbs_williamsst_110",
dog!("1", "smelly black", "melbs_williamsst_80"),
dog!("2", "howling black", "melbs_swanstonst_100"),
dog!("3", "smelly black", "melbs_collinsst_160"),
dog!("4", "growling light brown", "melbs_kingst_40"),
dog!("5", "ferocious white", "melbs_swanstonst_110"),
dog!("6", "mangy grey", "melbs_kingst_30"),
dog!("7", "reeking light brown", "melbs_flindersst_210"),
dog!("8", "feral brown", "melbs_elizabethst_40"),
dog!("9", "reeking grey", "melbs_collinsst_190"),
dog!("10", "ferocious grey", "melbs_kingst_60"),
dog!("11", "howling brown", "melbs_collinsst_140"),
dog!("12", "feral black", "melbs_flindersst_160"),
dog!("13", "smelly grey", "melbs_queenst_80"),
dog!("14", "howling grey", "melbs_kingst_70"),
dog!("15", "smelly grey", "melbs_flindersst_110"),
dog!("16", "feral black", "melbs_queenst_latrobest"),
dog!("17", "howling grey", "melbs_swanstonst_110"),
dog!("18", "mangy grey", "melbs_swanstonst_80"),
dog!("19", "reeking light brown", "melbs_latrobest_180"),
dog!("20", "smelly white", "melbs_flindersst_130"),
dog!("21", "reeking grey", "melbs_flindersst_180"),
dog!("22", "growling brown", "melbs_williamsst_80"),
dog!("23", "howling black", "melbs_lonsdalest_100"),
dog!("24", "growling grey", "melbs_latrobest_140"),
dog!("25", "howling light brown", "melbs_queenst_30"),
dog!("26", "howling black", "melbs_latrobest_160"),
dog!("27", "howling grey", "melbs_collinsst_170"),
dog!("28", "growling brown", "melbs_elizabethst_latrobest"),
dog!("29", "mangy brown", "melbs_kingst_70"),
dog!("30", "growling black", "melbs_swanstonst_120"),
dog!("31", "reeking light brown", "melbs_latrobest_130"),
dog!("32", "howling white", "melbs_bourkest_160"),
dog!("33", "growling black", "melbs_elizabethst_50"),
dog!("34", "mangy black", "melbs_swanstonst_110"),
dog!("35", "ferocious grey", "melbs_collinsst_100"),
dog!("36", "mangy grey", "melbs_flindersst_100"),
dog!("37", "growling brown", "melbs_swanstonst_flindersst"),
dog!("38", "mangy light brown", "melbs_lonsdalest_200"),
dog!("39", "howling light brown", "melbs_flindersst_210"),
dog!("40", "mangy light brown", "melbs_queenst_flindersst"),
dog!("41", "reeking white", "melbs_collinsst_130"),
dog!("42", "growling light brown", "melbs_lonsdalest_130"),
dog!("43", "reeking light brown", "melbs_elizabethst_70"),
dog!("44", "mangy brown", "melbs_swanstonst_30"),
dog!("45", "growling light brown", "melbs_swanstonst_lonsdalest"),
dog!("46", "smelly brown", "melbs_queenst_lonsdalest"),
dog!("47", "growling white", "melbs_elizabethst_bourkest"),
dog!("48", "feral brown", "melbs_collinsst_140"),
dog!("49", "ferocious black", "melbs_lonsdalest_150"),
dog!("50", "mangy grey", "melbs_kingst_collinsst"),
dog!("51", "ferocious brown", "melbs_kingst_120"),
dog!("52", "growling white", "melbs_elizabethst_10"),
dog!("53", "ferocious white", "melbs_lonsdalest_190"),
dog!("54", "smelly grey", "melbs_kingst_collinsst"),
dog!("55", "reeking light brown", "melbs_elizabethst_90"),
dog!("56", "reeking grey", "melbs_swanstonst_20"),
dog!("57", "feral brown", "melbs_flindersst_180"),
dog!("58", "reeking brown", "melbs_bourkest_130"),
dog!("59", "mangy light brown", "melbs_queenst_50"),
dog!("60", "growling white", "melbs_kingst_110"),
@ -156,14 +156,8 @@ rooms = [
character :: Int -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
character id adjective room =
" NPC {\n\
\ code: \"melbs_dog_" <> (T.pack $ show id) <> "\",\n\
\ name: \"" <> adjective <> " dog\",\n\
\ proper_noun: false,\n\
\ description: \"A malnourished looking dog. Its skeleton is visible through its thin and patchy fur. It smells terrible, and certainly doesn't look tame.\",\n\
\ spawn_location: \"room/" <> room <> "\",\n\
\ ..Default::default()\n\
\ },\n"
" dog!(\"" <> (T.pack $ show id) <> "\", \"" <> adjective <>
"\", \"" <> room <> "\"),\n"
chooseFromList :: [a] -> IO a
chooseFromList l = (l!!) <$> randomRIO (0, length l - 1)
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