Condorra Condorra
  • Joined on 2023-01-14
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud 2023-06-03 23:48:11 +10:00
228c5fbb9b Add gear command.
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud 2023-05-28 21:59:36 +10:00
cf0d2f740b Apply dodge penalty from armour.
Condorra opened issue blasthavers/blastmud#13 2023-05-28 16:52:18 +10:00
Delete a character
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud 2023-05-25 22:52:35 +10:00
c78dc64a7f Implement soaks
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud 2023-05-23 20:38:07 +10:00
2747dddd90 Allow buying, wearing and removing clothes.
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud-site 2023-05-22 23:41:28 +10:00
77322d5187 PvP exists already
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud-site 2023-05-22 21:40:37 +10:00
155b006cf1 Social links.
Condorra commented on issue blasthavers/blastmud#10 2023-05-22 11:07:43 +10:00

This is now done, except for implementing ropes as a climbing aid (and maybe some corner cases like getting attacked while climbing need some further work).

Condorra closed issue blasthavers/blastmud#10 2023-05-22 11:07:43 +10:00
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud 2023-05-21 22:32:16 +10:00
79b0ed8540 Implement a climbing system.
Condorra closed issue blasthavers/blastmud#7 2023-05-20 14:54:16 +10:00
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud 2023-05-16 22:03:41 +10:00
078519be95 Add journal system
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud 2023-04-24 22:56:54 +10:00
6ce1aff83e Add butcher command to cut everything from a corpse at once.
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud 2023-04-24 16:47:51 +10:00
26cc053480 Improve cut command to be queued, and always corpsify first.
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud 2023-04-24 00:57:00 +10:00
d8b0b6bed5 Allow cutting parts from corpses.
936fcc6dde Refactor to make death more than a boolean (what organs left)
Compare 2 commits »
Condorra closed issue blasthavers/blastmud#11 2023-04-23 17:02:45 +10:00
Allow installing locks on doors
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud-site 2023-04-23 01:14:57 +10:00
c70e9a7090 Fix docs about where to get a lock.
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud 2023-04-23 00:34:37 +10:00
8102f2f7b0 Document install and uninstall.
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud 2023-04-23 00:28:59 +10:00
10351fdf18 Add consent check on accessing private property.
Condorra pushed to main at blasthavers/blastmud-site 2023-04-22 23:26:35 +10:00
302cf9ac84 Add tutorial on logging off.