use super::{ VerbContext, UserVerb, UserVerbRef, UResult, ItemSearchParams, user_error, get_player_item_or_fail, search_item_for_user, }; use crate::{ static_content::possession_type::possession_data, regular_tasks::queued_command::{ QueueCommandHandler, QueueCommand, queue_command }, services::{ broadcast_to_room, capacity::{ check_item_capacity, CapacityLevel, } }, models::item::LocationActionType, }; use async_trait::async_trait; use std::time; pub struct QueueHandler; #[async_trait] impl QueueCommandHandler for QueueHandler { async fn start_command(&self, ctx: &mut VerbContext<'_>, command: &QueueCommand) -> UResult { let player_item = get_player_item_or_fail(ctx).await?; if player_item.is_dead { user_error("You try to drop it, but your ghostly hands slip through it uselessly".to_owned())?; } let item_id = match command { QueueCommand::Drop { possession_id } => possession_id, _ => user_error("Unexpected command".to_owned())? }; let item = match ctx.trans.find_item_by_type_code("possession", &item_id).await? { None => user_error("Item not found".to_owned())?, Some(it) => it }; if item.location != format!("{}/{}", &player_item.item_type, &player_item.item_code) { user_error( format!("You try to drop {} but realise you no longer have it", item.display_for_sentence(!ctx.session_dat.less_explicit_mode, 1, false) ) )? } let msg_exp = format!("{} prepares to drop {}\n", &player_item.display_for_sentence(true, 1, true), &item.display_for_sentence(true, 1, false)); let msg_nonexp = format!("{} prepares to drop {}\n", &player_item.display_for_sentence(false, 1, true), &item.display_for_sentence(false, 1, false)); broadcast_to_room(ctx.trans, &player_item.location, None, &msg_exp, Some(&msg_nonexp)).await?; Ok(time::Duration::from_secs(1)) } #[allow(unreachable_patterns)] async fn finish_command(&self, ctx: &mut VerbContext<'_>, command: &QueueCommand) -> UResult<()> { let player_item = get_player_item_or_fail(ctx).await?; if player_item.is_dead { user_error("You try to get it, but your ghostly hands slip through it uselessly".to_owned())?; } let item_id = match command { QueueCommand::Drop { possession_id } => possession_id, _ => user_error("Unexpected command".to_owned())? }; let item = match ctx.trans.find_item_by_type_code("possession", &item_id).await? { None => user_error("Item not found".to_owned())?, Some(it) => it }; if item.location != format!("{}/{}", &player_item.item_type, &player_item.item_code) { user_error(format!("You try to drop {} but realise you no longer have it!", &item.display_for_sentence(!ctx.session_dat.less_explicit_mode, 1, false)))? } let possession_data = match item.possession_type.as_ref().and_then(|pt| possession_data().get(&pt)) { None => user_error("That item no longer exists in the game so can't be handled".to_owned())?, Some(pd) => pd }; match check_item_capacity(ctx.trans, &player_item.location, possession_data.weight).await? { CapacityLevel::AboveItemLimit => user_error( format!("You can't drop {}, because it is so cluttered here there is no where to put it!", &item.display_for_sentence(!ctx.session_dat.less_explicit_mode, 1, false) ), )?, _ => () } let msg_exp = format!("{} drops {}\n", &player_item.display_for_sentence(true, 1, true), &item.display_for_sentence(true, 1, false)); let msg_nonexp = format!("{} drops {}\n", &player_item.display_for_sentence(false, 1, true), &item.display_for_sentence(false, 1, false)); broadcast_to_room(ctx.trans, &player_item.location, None, &msg_exp, Some(&msg_nonexp)).await?; let mut item_mut = (*item).clone(); item_mut.location = player_item.location.clone(); item_mut.action_type = LocationActionType::Normal; ctx.trans.save_item_model(&item_mut).await?; Ok(()) } } pub struct Verb; #[async_trait] impl UserVerb for Verb { async fn handle(self: &Self, ctx: &mut VerbContext, _verb: &str, remaining: &str) -> UResult<()> { let player_item = get_player_item_or_fail(ctx).await?; let target = search_item_for_user(ctx, &ItemSearchParams { include_contents: true, ..ItemSearchParams::base(&player_item, &remaining) }).await?; if player_item.is_dead { user_error("You try to drop it, but your ghostly hands slip through it uselessly".to_owned())?; } if target.item_type != "possession" { user_error("You can't drop that!".to_owned())?; } queue_command(ctx, &QueueCommand::Drop { possession_id: target.item_code.clone() }).await?; Ok(()) } } static VERB_INT: Verb = Verb; pub static VERB: UserVerbRef = &VERB_INT as UserVerbRef;