use super::{VerbContext, UserVerb, UserVerbRef, UResult, UserError, user_error, get_player_item_or_fail}; use async_trait::async_trait; use ansi::{ansi, flow_around}; use crate::{ models::item::Item, static_content::room::{self, Direction} }; use std::sync::Arc; pub fn render_lmap(room: &room::Room, width: usize, height: usize, captions_needed: &mut Vec<(usize, &'static str, &'static str)>) -> String { let mut buf = String::new(); let my_loc = &room.grid_coords; let min_x = my_loc.x - (width as i64) / 2; let max_x = min_x + (width as i64); let min_y = my_loc.y - (height as i64) / 2; let max_y = min_y + (height as i64); for y in min_y..max_y { for x in min_x..max_x { let coord = room::GridCoords { x, y, z: my_loc.z }; let coord_room = room::room_map_by_zloc() .get(&(&, &coord)); if my_loc.x == x && my_loc.y == y { buf.push_str(ansi!(" () ")) } else { let code_capt_opt = |r| if == { (r.short, if r.should_caption { Some((, ((my_loc.x as i64 - r.grid_coords.x).abs() + (my_loc.y as i64 - r.grid_coords.y).abs() ) as usize)) } else { None }) } else { r.secondary_zones.iter() .find(|sz| == .map(|sz| (sz.short, |c| (c, ((my_loc.x as i64 - r.grid_coords.x).abs() + (my_loc.y as i64 - r.grid_coords.y).abs()) as usize)))) .expect("Secondary zone missing") }); match code_capt_opt { None => buf.push_str(" "), Some((code, capt_opt)) => { if let Some((capt, closeness)) = capt_opt { captions_needed.push((closeness, code, capt)); } buf.push('['); buf.push_str(code); buf.push(']'); } } } match coord_room.and_then( |r| r.exits.iter().find(|ex| ex.direction == Direction::EAST)) { None => buf.push(' '), Some(_) => buf.push('-') } } for x in min_x..max_x { let mut coord = room::GridCoords { x, y, z: my_loc.z }; let coord_room = room::room_map_by_zloc() .get(&(&, &coord)); match coord_room.and_then( |r| r.exits.iter().find(|ex| ex.direction == Direction::SOUTH)) { None => buf.push_str(" "), Some(_) => buf.push_str(" | ") } let has_se = coord_room.and_then( |r| r.exits.iter().find(|ex| ex.direction == Direction::SOUTHEAST)) .is_some(); coord.y += 1; let coord_room_s = room::room_map_by_zloc() .get(&(&, &coord)); let has_ne = coord_room_s.and_then( |r| r.exits.iter().find(|ex| ex.direction == Direction::NORTHEAST)) .is_some(); if has_se && has_ne { buf.push('X'); } else if has_se { buf.push('\\'); } else if has_ne { buf.push('/'); } else { buf.push(' '); } } buf.push('\n'); } captions_needed.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.0.cmp(&b.0)); buf } pub fn caption_lmap(captions: &Vec<(usize, &'static str, &'static str)>, width: usize, height: usize) -> String { let mut buf = String::new(); for room in captions.iter().take(height) { buf.push_str(&format!(ansi!("{}: {:.*}\n"), room.1, width, room.2)); } buf } pub async fn lmap_room(ctx: &VerbContext<'_>, room: &room::Room) -> UResult<()> { let mut captions: Vec<(usize, &'static str, &'static str)> = Vec::new(); ctx.trans.queue_for_session( ctx.session, Some(&flow_around(&render_lmap(room, 9, 7, &mut captions), 45, ansi!(" "), &caption_lmap(&captions, 14, 27), 31 )) ).await?; Ok(()) } pub struct Verb; #[async_trait] impl UserVerb for Verb { async fn handle(self: &Self, ctx: &mut VerbContext, _verb: &str, remaining: &str) -> UResult<()> { if remaining.trim() != "" { user_error("map commands don't take anything after them".to_owned())?; } let player_item = get_player_item_or_fail(ctx).await?; let (heretype, herecode) = player_item.location.split_once("/").unwrap_or(("room", "repro_xv_chargen")); let room_item: Arc = ctx.trans.find_item_by_type_code(heretype, herecode).await? .ok_or_else(|| UserError("Sorry, that no longer exists".to_owned()))?; if room_item.item_type != "room" { user_error("Can't map here".to_owned())?; } else { let room = room::room_map_by_code().get(room_item.item_code.as_str()) .ok_or_else(|| UserError("Sorry, that room no longer exists".to_owned()))?; lmap_room(ctx, &room).await?; } Ok(()) } } static VERB_INT: Verb = Verb; pub static VERB: UserVerbRef = &VERB_INT as UserVerbRef;